Anton Obrist family - Gasserhof - Feldthurns
Far from the hustle and bustle of tourists, high above Feldthurns, the Obrist family's organic chickens peck and scratch for grains and worms at 1,200 meters and, who knows, maybe they too enjoy the impressive view of the Dolomites. It has been proven that chickens like to live in peace. Stress affects the quality of the eggs and, in the worst case, affects the willingness to lay. So you don't have to worry about that at the Gasserhof. The young mountain farming family only started producing and marketing organic eggs in 2021. Right from the start, the demands in terms of quality, animal welfare and regionality were set as high as possible at the Gasserhof. The chickens have a clean home here and plenty of space to run around on the fresh mountain soil. Transport routes should remain as short as possible, both for feed that is purchased regionally and for the distribution of organic eggs that are sold locally. “We enjoy our work because we are proud to be able to offer a high-quality, regional product,” is how Anton Obrist describes what motivates him, his wife and their three children to work on the farm every day.
Contact: Tel. +39 348 189 2034; Email: anton.obrist@yahoo.de