Tschotthof - Villandro
The Tschotthof is located at approx. 850 m above sea level, approximately 3 km from the center of Villandro. It is very sunny, with a wonderful panoramic view over Klausen and the Eisacktal. The farm has not been managed properly for two generations. The current owners have equipped the fields and meadows with paths and planted intensive crops (raspberries, blackberries, blackberries, apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches and chestnuts). There are still old apple trees like “Brixner Plattlinger” in the meadows. This apple variety is very suitable for storage. Apples of this variety are only eaten in January or February. The fruits of the “Plattlinger” trees are also suitable for traditional dishes such as apple strudel and apple kiachl, as the apples are very juicy. The farm is managed according to ecological guidelines to guarantee sustainable agriculture and provide consumers with healthy, high-quality products. The fruits are used to make jams and fruit juices, which are available from us seasonally.
More information at: https://www.tschott.com
Contact: Kainzwaldner family, St. Valentin 6, 39040 Villanders | South-Tirol; Tel.: +39 338 733 09 72 ; Email: info@tschott.com